Digital Marketing

What, Why, and How - MarketBuilder

When Dealers Need to Expand Their Market - They Come to Us for MarketBuilder.

There’s many solutions available when it comes to getting your company's marketing material out there. There’s email companies like MailChimp and Klaviyo that can simplify your email blasts and related material, there’s GeoTargeting companies like GroundTruth and InMarket that help with location based ad targeting, heck, there’s even companies like Spider AF that focuses solely on preventing fraudulent ad click so you’re not spending excess budget on PPC. There’s a lot of solutions for marketing problems, but one of the issues we know a lot of agencies and dealers face is acquiring new customers. Well, we decided to fix that problem. We created MarketBuilder℠, the only guaranteed new customer digital acquisition program in the automotive industry space. In this brief article, we’re going to break down what it does, how it does it, and why it could benefit your dealership, let's get to it!

What Is MarketBuilder

MarketBuilder℠ is a program we built to solve the biggest issue the automotive space faces, driving more business. We all know that there’s a butt for every seat, but finding those butts can be difficult (lol). MarketBuilder℠ does just that. It provides your marketing campaign with curated customer data so it can find them and make sure they’re seeing your advertisements. This program is MASSIVE - it contains;

How does MarketBuilder Work

MarketBuilder℠ works by using proprietary technology to find your customers, and your competitions, and put your marketing efforts in front of them. MarketBuilder℠ uses something we refer to as a “Identity Graph” to map out individual consumers information, and provides robust avenues to target them through, wherever they are. It uses Pre-Click & Post-Click and Behavioral linking data and Sha256 Hash based identity resolution for the ultimate way to target consumers, online and offline. All of our data is extremely accurate and runs through triple verification to provide extreme accuracy, so you don’t waste time or money. The program is extremely easy to use - you can break down a set to target the customers you need in a breeze, it’s as simple as a few clicks to get it started.

Why Use MarketBuilder

That’s simple - You should be using MarketBuilder℠ because it works, and the results prove that:

We’re a trusted partner with over 1,100 dealers under the belt, we’ve worked with small independent dealers, all the way to the OEM’s themselves. Here’s what they had to say about us;

We pride ourselves in our ability to deliver for our clients, and we keep everything transparent. We provide IBR's (Influenced Buyers Report) monthly so you can stay up to date and know that our product is working it's magic for you. Know when, where, and how we are reaching your target audience. But more importantly, know exactly how many sold units and gross profit generated, all in a digestible report. reporting-img-1

It's not rocket science, we just do it better. Drivonic leverages data science, effective marketing methodologies and media distribution across all six primary digital channels to give your agency the edge you need in this competitive digital market.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with MarketBuilder℠ today and Dominate Your Marketing and Gain Market Share From Your Competitive Brands And Dealers! 

Want to get started with MarketBuilder℠, and how this could affect you? Reach out to us below! Also make sure to subscribe to our newsletter here!

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