Industry Insights - Drivonic

Inbound and Outbound Traffic Explained

Written by Drivonic Insights Team | Oct 21, 2022 6:30:00 PM

You have likely heard the words incoming and outgoing traffic. This is a crucial topic to comprehend since it relates to every aspect of paid marketing. In our Paid Traffic Mastery course, we teach the fundamentals of paid traffic success. And knowing the difference between inbound and outbound traffic is fundamental to paid traffic marketing.

Actively seeking a solution is inbound traffic.

Potential clients are deemed inbound when they visit your website or advertising network. This may be accomplished through excellent content marketing, search engine optimization, or paid advertising in digital marketing. The ideal illustration of this is Google search. Let's assume someone types "I need a new garden hose" into Google. Selling garden hoses is an example of incoming traffic.

Outbound Traffic Is Traffic Toward Which You Direct Your Message.

Outbound traffic is one example of interruption marketing. Customers are not actively seeking you. They are not in search of a solution. Social media advertisements, and bought traffic in general, are the finest illustration of this. These advertisements appear inside the newsfeed, the Google display network, or anywhere you are promoting. If you've done your research and created a Customer Avatar Canvas, you'll know whom to promote successfully. You target these prospective clients because you believe they may be interested in purchasing your goods. Therefore, you force your message upon them.

When To Utilize Outbound

Suppose you developed a fresh, unheard-of technological marvel. I assume there is no incoming traffic for it. Since your product is brand-new, nobody is searching for it. Currently, you lack a mailing list, therefore email marketing is ineffective. In this situation, you must utilize outbound traffic to spread awareness.

When To Employ Incoming Traffic

Now tossing the coin, suppose you solve a significant problem. Consider that you are an emergency plumber. As soon as my toilet becomes clogged, I will be frantic to locate you. Where do individuals go when they require something? They naturally utilize search engines. Keep in mind that social media sites also function as search engines. In this instance, search engine traffic is incredibly beneficial. This is why you should invest in marketing yourself and your business. As long as the advertisements can be monetized efficiently, you should pay to play.

Choosing Between Incoming and Outgoing Traffic

Consider where inbound traffic may assist your business. Then consider where outbound traffic may be beneficial. The solution for the majority of firms is likely a combination of both. Search advertisements are the ultimate source of inbound traffic. The wonderful thing about search advertisements is that they appear above the fold. What does this entail? The point on a web page where the information terminates and you must scroll to view more is known as the fold. Everything that is not visible until the user scrolls are referred to as "below the fold." Above-the-fold information is typically the most valuable real estate.

The good news is that Google favors advertisements above anything else. The search advertising appears before the map listings, structured snippets, and organic ranks. Why does Google give search advertisements priority? Because that is their principal avenue for generating revenue. People may state, "Well, I don't click on adverts." Data indicates otherwise. In reality, 95% of all traffic bypasses advertisements. They are taken right to a natural search result. BUT...67% of searches with strong commercial intent result in a sponsored click. Someone with a high commercial purpose is eager to purchase and will gladly click on your advertisement. What does it tell us if 95% of general searches bypass the advertising, while 2/3 of queries with commercial intent do? It indicates that individuals use organic traffic to get knowledge. However, when they are ready to purchase, bought traffic is the most beneficial.

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