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Growth And Retention Within Your Technician Team!

Here's Some Insight on How to Grow Your Technician Team in These Trying Times!

This article was originally written and published by Jeff Beals via CDK Global. We’ll be adding commentary and providing insights where we think it could benefit you. Let's dive in!

The "great resignation" had an influence on more than just restaurants and boutiques. Staffing shortages are having a greater impact on many dealership service departments than ever before. According to our most recent Trendsetter's Guide to Automotive Retail, dealers report that, after inventory concerns, the most difficult challenge they face is a lack of qualified employees. In addition, 47 percent of store executives reported staffing shortages to be very or extremely difficult. There are things that the industry as a whole can do to help. The first stage is to change people's perceptions of technicians by increasing their knowledge and prominence in the sector.

We believe that this is an issue that can be solved by leadership. "Money alone won't fix it" is absolutely true. Fixing the pay issue is table stakes, but there's a lot more going on that needs just as much attention. Like most people, technicians want to feel they have opportunities for growth and that their careers can continue to evolve. Instead, many feel stagnant and have little visibility into what the future could hold.

Technicians nowadays are well-paid, well-trained, and have a promising career path. However, outside of a dealership, few people consider a Service vocation to be a long-term career. As an industry, we must seize every chance to highlight the advantages and rewards of pursuing these occupations. You can help spread the news by attending parents' nights at local high schools and visiting community colleges and trade institutions. This is an excellent moment to clarify any residual myths regarding professional limitations and outdated stereotypes.

Many OEMs finance programs in which students alternate between classroom instruction and real-world dealership experience in collaboration with trade schools and dealers. Participating dealers not only train the industry's next generation of master technicians but also seed their own teams.

Future Technicians should understand that being a part of an automotive Service team boosts one's self-esteem. Technology is one area that has permeated every aspect of their daily life.

Showcasing technological improvements to your Service department can open the eyes of folks who may not have considered a career as a Technician before.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence, for example, contribute to automobile diagnostics and customer support. Service Technicians can employ video diagnostic capabilities to show consumers problems and potential concerns with their cars. This increases the Technician's trust and provides the consumer with a sense of transparency.

Money talks, but if your company culture is negative, your Service employees may go. Many experienced Technicians and Service team professionals retired when the pandemic struck. Now, holding on to experienced team members is simply vital to a store’s operations. According to our Trendsetters report, having enough well-trained workers is one of the most difficult challenges for dealers in the next two years. Keep employees engaged by providing ongoing training and introducing new challenges that keep team members invested and eager to improve.

According to our Trendsetters survey, 76 percent of dealers plan to change their staffing methods in the next two years as a result of industry changes. Welcoming marginalized demographics, instilling a feeling of belonging, and engaging the next generation around new technology will help to prepare the pipeline for the workforce that dealerships require now — and tomorrow.

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