Industry Insights - Drivonic

Quick Tips on Using Dynamic Email to Generate More Traffic

Written by Drivonic Insights Team | Sep 7, 2022 3:22:00 PM

Ensure Content Accuracy Proactively

Keeping email inventory current has become more difficult in recent years. When autos appear to fly off the lot, an email blast sent on Monday will be out of date by Friday. Subscribers want to see products in their inbox, but only merchandise that is available to them. Otherwise, they may be more frustrated than ready to buy.

Aside from reducing the time between email creation and delivery, the ideal solution is to use dynamic content. Dynamic email marketing personalizes email content based on real-time data from sources such as website user behavior and your CRM. Your email content will not only be more accurate, but it will also be more relevant. Furthermore, dynamic emails have twice the open rate and eight times the click-through rate of the industry average.

Make Sure You Have the Right Lists

To begin, not every subscriber should be added to every list. If you have separate forms for different types of queries, such as selling vs buying a car, your email segmentation should reflect this. A list of subscribers interested in selling a vehicle might not have mattered to you at one point. It's quite understandable if you didn't need or want extra vehicles. However, when your objectives shift, so should your email segmentation.

If you have fewer vehicles, you may want to send out more information to subscribers on your service, parts, and used inventory listings right away. Alternatively, if you aren't feeling the consequences of low inventory, focusing on new car sales may be more crucial than ever because you have a competitive advantage over dealers who can't provide new cars. You can identify fresh chances by modifying your strategy at the list level, regardless of how you pivot.

Get More Targeted with Your Sends

Aside from altering the list strategy, now is an excellent moment to explore new ways to communicate with subscribers. While bulk email blasts may have been a significant part of your email marketing strategy in the past, more customized sends might help you handle shifting priorities.

Using triggered sends is one of the simplest methods to become more targeted with your email. Setting email triggers depending on subscriber activities, such as what they view on your website, is essentially creating a section of Subscribers who are more likely to welcome you into their inbox if you avoid sending something that confuses them. When an email is not personalized, 52% of customers say they will go elsewhere.

Adjusting Your Email Marketing Strategy for Success

Now is an excellent opportunity to assess your plan and determine what modifications would be beneficial in meeting your objectives. Not only will you have more success with email, but your subscribers will appreciate it as well.

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