Industry Insights - Drivonic

Email Marketing - Is it Dead?

Written by Drivonic Insights Team | Nov 2, 2022 6:00:00 PM

Concerning email marketing, we’ve noticed that there are a lot of myths now circulating in cyberspace, and we’ve been hearing quite a few of them recently. Therefore, in this article, we are going to discuss the three most common misconceptions and myths around email marketing... Now that we have your attention, let's begin debunking some urban legends.

First Fallacy: Email Marketing Is Already Extinct

To be straight to the point, this is false. Email marketing is still continuing strong, and there are no signs that it will disappear in the near future, in fact, we’ve seen an uplift in marketing success via email. Even though there's been quite a few changes and regulations have become more strict, it’s still nevertheless effective, plus the ROI is very high due to the low investment needed to get started with it. However, rather than relying just on our word, here are some statistics that back up this claim. It is believed that there are 4 billion users with active email accounts at this same moment (and that number is projected to go up). Email marketing consistently produces the best return on investment (ROI) of all marketing channels, earning an average of $42 for every dollar that is invested... ...and in the event that you don't feel like doing the arithmetic on that… That is a return on investment of 4200%! There isn't a single company or brand that comes to mind that wouldn't go crazy over seeing figures like that. And just in case the prospect of a huge return on investment isn't enough to sway your decision... Email is still the most favored marketing channel that the vast majority of customers want firms to connect with them through, as indicated by research conducted by MarketingSherpa. Email is still the preferred method of communication among younger generations, including Millennials and Gen Zers, believe it or not. Email is not just the preferred method of communication among your customers, but you should make it one of your top choices as well. This is due to the fact that your list is unique to you. You are the owner of it. This is also a huge point to take into consideration with the upcoming death of GA-UA and cookies - having your own customers you've curated is huge - and can help you move into this new era of digital marketing.

Second Fallacy: Templates are More Efficient

This is just another urban legend that we’ve been hearing often in recent times. “When I can merely utilize email templates, there's no reason to pay a copywriter, is there?” Now, just so there is no confusion when talking about elegant and impersonal emails that are all style and no content, we’re talking about this specific context. You know those emails with the beautiful HTML formatting that you frequently come across on e-commerce websites or large corporate enterprises… they work better for companies that speak from the brand itself, so there’s no need for true personalization because they're not trying to create the illusion of being personable.

If, on the other hand, your brand is centered on your personality (or if you are the actual person behind the brand), you don't want your emails to seem too sophisticated or lack the personability of a ‘mono-y-mono’ style of conversation. To cite an example:

Extensive A/B testing has revealed that the vast majority of customers prefer straightforward emails that are mostly composed of text (you know, just like those emails you send to your friends and family). Not only do customers prefer standard emails that merely include text, but using templates comes with a whole host of other drawbacks that should be taken into consideration.

You can actually use both in conjunction with each other to really narrow in on the customer and have a better chance of converting them - this can be a very effective way of getting them into your store and more sold-tags!

The Drawbacks of Only Utilizing Email Templates

Depending on the speed of the customer's internet connection, they may take a very long time to load. The process of customization may be challenging and unpredictable. You can waste hours tinkering with a template when you could be doing something more productive with that time, such as composing a personalized email. When not designed properly, HTML templates frequently display incorrectly on mobile devices. Due to the abundance of photos and other design elements, they have a MUCH greater chance of being sent to the Promotions or Spam folder - which would defeat the purpose of tricking it out like that. 

Fallacy number 3: “The numbers aren’t there”

Again, being straightforward - This is false. As we stated above the ROI on email marketing still remains top dog when it comes down to it. Here are some recent statistics from MailChimp: 


These are just the recent averages - but keep in mind across all advertising mediums, those are pretty strong numbers - and again, those are just the averages, your results may even yield higher!

The best thing about us writing this article? We’ve taken all of this into account. Oh yeah, we’ve been ahead of the curve with these issues and have the technology and results to back it. Our DigitalDirect Servers, which are powered by our InboxAI technology help not only circumvent the issues plaguing email marketing but make sure that your emails are not just “Delivered” but are actually “received” - and that’s a world of difference. We build out a Dedicated Email server just for you, that contains proper DKIM, DMARC, SPF domain settings that will ensure that your emails are effective - we also have built-in fraud detection that makes sure you’re not losing any of your budget to email sinkholes. We built this to ensure Mission Critical Email Marketing Success (MCEMS) - regardless of whether you’re B2B or B2C marketing. No more guessing and praying that your email marketing works - we give you a piece of mind that your efforts don’t go to waste.

 If You have any questions about this article or how you can get started with our DigitalDirect Program, don't be a stranger and reach out below! Also, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter here!